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WinGAP News

2024 WinGAP Conference

The next conference will be held October 2 through 4, 2024.

Two 20-hour CE courses will be offered Wednesday through Friday: Basic Data Entry with Blair McLinn, and Cost Approach with Grant Hilton.

Breakout Sessions will also be offered each day.

Watch for additional information here and on the conference page.

Software Update 

A new update was released on May 9, 2024 for WinGAP. Version is available now on the Software Updates page. 

Important Information

NOTE: All counties must run Strucfix, and new reports included in this update must be deployed.
Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder.
Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page on the website. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.
New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update

  • Mobile Assessor Sync Feature — added a new feature to the mobile assessor sync process to convert FULLBATHS and HALFBATHS into standard compliments and extra fixtures. Many users were only completing the FULL/HALF info. ( Strucfix required.
  • BARF Export Bug — corrected a bug in the BARF export that prevented some county’s export from properly uploading. (
  • Commercial Reappraise — at last, found the rounding issue in Commercial Reappraise that sometimes resulted in a $1 difference between the reappraise (bulk) value and the screen value. Thanks, Kirk! (
  • Tax Details — added total millage display to the bottom of the screen. (

2024 Annual Meeting

The 2024 GAP Group Annual Business Meeting will be held in Macon, Georgia on Wednesday, March 6, at 10 a.m. at Central Georgia Technical College in Building H, located at 3300 Macon Tech Drive in Macon, Georgia, 31206. Agenda and registration information has been sent via email.

An election will be held for the offices of Vice President and Treasurer. Both positions are two-year appointments. The Treasurer position requires a background check to be completed prior to the Annual Business Meeting sent to the GAP Group Board / Nominating Committee in order to be added to the ballot prior to February 21, 2024.

Interested in serving on the GAP Group board? Please contact one of the members of the nomination committee, listed below, to be added to the ballot.

Software Update

A new update was released on February 26, 2024 for WinGAP. Version  is available now on the WinGAP website. 

All counties must run Strucfix.

Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder 

Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.

New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update

  • Reason LLC Export — first beta test export for Reason Consulting export (Wingap >> Reason). (

  • Tru-Roll — first beta test export for Tru-Roll export (Wingap >> Tru-Roll). (

  • FLPA Renewals — more improvements to the FLPA renewal process. (

  • Real Property Return — corrected an issue to correctly capture the income value of parcels during year-end cleanup. (

  • MH Neighborhood Adjustments — enabled NH adjustments for non-prebill MH for both cost and NADA. Activating NH adjustments requires checking the box on the preferences screen. (

  • DOAA BARF — corrected bugs in the first release of the BARF exports. (

  • MH Digest Export — improved the handling of prebills when also incorrectly flagged as COPL. Now, the prebill status will prevail, and the COPL homes will be included regardless. (

  • Data Edits — added two new data edits to locate prebill homes with either a DMVS decal number or a COPL flag. (

Chief Appraiser Opening

Stephens County is currently searching for a Chief Appraiser. 

Software Update

A new update was released on February 5, 2024 for WinGAP. Version  is available now on the WinGAP website. 

NOTE: Counties running version or newer need only to PATCH (no Strucfix required). Counties running any version older than must run Strucfix.

Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder 

Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.

New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update

  • Rockdale HOST Adjustment — update HOST tax calculations to 64.8% for tax year 2024. (
  • Real Property General Information — added experimental maximize button to the RPGI to allow running “full screen”. (
  • DOAA Barf Export (Critical Feature Release) — added a new export for the Department of Audits to aid the agency in their sales analysis. Export will extract the same data as the BARF report, export to ASCII text (Tab-Delimited) and upload to the WinGAP ftp site in the county’s folder. (
  • Cost / MEFF — corrected a bug on looking up a login user’s security profile that manifested when two user IDs start with the same letters (e.g. alex vs alexis). (
  • RPGI — added the ability to edit the history years in addition to history values by pressing the Edit Previous Value button in the top-right corner of the screen. (
  • Transfer Improvements — a new feature was added to the transfer improvements screen allowing users to automatically update the transferred improvement to possess the receiving parcels street address. (

Software Update

A new update was released on January 22, 2024 for WinGAP. Version is available now on the WinGAP website. 

NOTE: All users must follow the Update Instructions and run Strucfix. This update also includes new reports which must be deployed.

Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder 

Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.

New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update

  • Future Year Creation — added a prompt to the future year creation to designate future as SALES-ONLY vs FULL-FEATURED. Designation as SALESONLY will restrict data entry in future for non-sales activity. (


  • Future Year — when SALESONLY future is designated, existing parcels sent to future will restrict access to sales only. New parcels sent to future will be fully enabled. (


  • CUVA Bulk Applications Report — fixed page breaks. (


  • NADA Reappraise — corrected the display of the percentage of completion when running reappraise. Previously, the display never changed from 0% to 100%. (


  • SALESONLY Flag — new column added to DEFAULTS2 table. STRUCFIX required. (


  • FLPA Renewals — vastly improved the FLPA renewal screen process. (


  • PP Forms Export — suppressed accounts flagged as NO-PT50 from the bulk exports sent to vendors. (

Dues Deadline July 31

This is a reminder that the deadline for GAP Group dues is July 31, 2023. After that date, a late fee of $50 per month will be assessed until dues are paid in full. Thank you to all counties that have already paid.

WinGAP Software Update

A new update was released on July 28, 2023 for WinGAP. Version is available now on the Software Updates page. 

Important Information

NOTE:  All users must follow the Update Instructions and run Strucfix. New reports in this update must also be deployed.
Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder.
Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page on the website. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.
New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update


  • Website Export – corrected process to zip files that has been lost for a few versions due to our remove of dependency on WinZIP. (


  • PT311W – redesigned report based on language suggestions from DOR (


  • Preferences – exposed ALT_WEB to the preferences screen to allow counties to enter their alternate web address. Field added to DEFAULTS2 table. Field is limited to 100 characters. Strucfix required. (


  • Search Screen – added “Tax District” to the information box at the bottom of the screen to aid in selection of items from the list (


  • Digest Export – a new digest export specifically for notices of assessment has been created to auto-suppress accounts flagged for NoNotice, Exempt, QTP, and Utility property, make it easier on print vendors. (


  • Digest Submission Reports – corrected the digest submission reports to pull the “average property value” report from the previous digest year, as required by DOR. (


Chief Appraiser Opening

Sumter County is currently searching for a Chief Appraiser (Appraiser III). 

Introducing WinGAP Forum

We’re excited to announce that a new page — called WinGAP Forum — has been added to the website, allowing members to ask and answer questions or discuss relevant topics.
You can now start a conversation right on the website, where any member can respond, and everyone can view all responses. If you see a topic you’re interested in, click subscribe to receive notices for future comments.

WinGAP Software Update

A new update was released on July 13, 2023 for WinGAP. Version is available now on the Software Updates page. 

Important Information

NOTE: Users running version need only to patch, with no Strucfix required. All other users must follow the Update Instructions and run Strucfix. All users must deploy reports.
Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder.
Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page on the website. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.
New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update

  • ACO – Created a new checkbox to transmit ACO data electronically to the Tax Commissioner. This feature is in beta testing mode only and is not ready to replace your written/printed ACOs. (

  • SB346 – Found a bug on the allocation of SB346 values when the parcel is building only. Bug has been corrected. The bug resulted in a small dollar amount rounding error. (

  • Digest Submission Reports – Found a bug in the calculation of the value in dispute section of the report. The report was combining FMV with Assessed values for MH, MV, HDE. The new report standardizes everything to work strictly with Assessed Values. (

WinGAP Software Update

A new update was released on May 31, 2023 for WinGAP. Version is available now on the Software Updates page. 

Important Information

NOTE: All counties must run Strucfix.
Clear the contents of your W:\WINGAPSQL\PUSH_UPDATE\ folder before processing this update. NOTE: This folder name is NOT your local c:\wingapsql\ folder.
Full update instructions and how-to videos are available on the Software Updates page on the website. How-to videos are also available online via YouTube and can be found on the website under Resources.
New changes since the last release are listed below. Full changes are available on the Help screen within the application.

New with Update

  • Download from FTP — created a new module that will allow users to browse the ftp site security via FTP and download files into a designated folder inside the w:\wingapsql\ftp_downloads\ folder. (
  • Digest Exports — added a new feature to allow counties to designate their TCO digest vendor as Aumentum or GATCS (Wingap for Tax Commissioners: to provide enhanced integration and data sharing with the digest vendors. The designation of your vendor is made on the preferences screen. No designation is required. (
  • Notices of Assessment — added improved handling for parcels missing a digest classification code. Before this fix, parcels with a NULL (empty) REALPROP.DIGCLASS field were skipped for assessment notice printing. (
  • Boat — added visual cue at the bottom of the screen above the save/close buttons to remind the user when boat value and/or motor value = 0 (
  • Mobile Assessor — added a new feature to residential and commercial improvement sync process to set the photo flag to true when MA has synced a photo. (
  • Ratio Stats — added feature when printing a ratio study stats summary that will display a printer selection dialog to allow the user to direct the printout to the printer of choice. (

New WinGAP Pricing Tiers

Download the WinGAP Pricing Tiers outline to explore the various levels with new features, such as safeguarding your photos and documents and providing nightly data backups.

WinGAP Class Announcement

WinGAP Residential Schedule Class
20 CE hours 
To be held during the 2023 WinGAP Conference
October 4-6
Are you interested? Class size will be limited.

Annual Business Meeting News

Greetings from GAP Group Board of Directors,
We are excited to introduce the newly updated website, and we wanted to ensure all of the 146 WinGAP counties were notified of the changes approved at the 2023 Annual Business Meeting on March 1, 2023.
The website updates and the new WinGAP Pricing Tiers represent additional opportunities to provide our Members with support for your daily tasks. The printable Pricing Tiers outline details the different levels and features available to you and your staff, such as safeguarding your files, photos and documents as well as providing nightly backups of all your data files.
With changes in the way we all do business and the rise in the overall cost of almost everything that we use on a daily basis, the Board of Directors proposed and Members approved a dues increase totake effect on July 1, 2024. Dues will rise from $2,500 to $3,500 for all WinGAP counties. We scheduled the dues increase for 2024 to allow time for counties working on a calendar year to amend their budgets.
Along with the dues increase, the Board of Directors proposed and Members approved a $50 late fee per month to be assessed to any county failing to submitannual dues by July 31 each year. This feegoes into effect this year with the 2023 renewal. We have also been approved to offer a 20-hour CE course at this year’s WinGAP Conference, to beheld in Savannah on October 4 through 6 at the Savannah Marriott. We are excited to offer our Members another opportunity for their staff to attend the conference and also obtain 20 CE hours.
Please let the Board of Directors know if you have any concerns and/or suggestions that could help you and your staff do their jobs more effectively and efficiently.

Dan Smith
President GAP Group, LLC