The photos must be in jpeg format and with a resolution of no more than the minimum desktop resolution that any monitor has. If the photo resolution is too high, the photo will print fine but you will get a flickering image when it is viewed in WinGAP.
The photos should be saved from the camera to a folder on the network to allow access by all users who will assign the photos to the property components.
To attach a photo to a property component (res imp, land, comm imp, etc.), you will need to access the parcel that contains the component through a normal WinGAP search.
• Click the edit button that takes you to the component.
• Right click on the photo button.
• Click the “Load Digital Photo” menu option.
• Navigate to the folder where the photos have been downloaded from the camera.
• Select the photo, and it will be added to the property component.
What does DNR import do? How does the DNR module work?
Each year, you receive a file (dnrnew) from us containing the DNR registrations. An import procedure in WinGAP compares the records in the dnrnew file to the records in your existing dnr data file. If a new registration is found or a name has changed, the record from dnrnew is added to your dnr file and flagged with a status of New.
During the process of printing PP reporting forms, you can print Marine forms from DNR, which will include all of the records flagged as New. After the forms have been mailed and returned, each that indicates the boat is in the county and actually owned by the individual will be “worked” through DNR. This means that the DNR record is accessible and the user can add the DNR record information in a variety of ways:
• Add new owner, account and boat
• Add an account to an existing owner, and add the boat to that account
• Add the boat to an existing account
If the reporting form from DNR is returned indicating the boat has been sold or is no longer in the county, the user will access the DNR record and flag it as Inactive. This status will prevent the record from showing up on future DNR list.
What do the reports under DNR actually do?
Old Boats prints a listing of all records in your dnr.dbf that do not have a status of N (new), using dnr.rpt. The filter is built into the report.
New Boats prints a listing of all records in the dnrnew.dbf regardless of status, using dnrnew.rpt. There is no filter in this report.
Newly Registered Boats prints a listing of dnr registrations that do not match between dnr.dbf and dnrnew.dbf. Dnrnew.rpt is used with the following filter:
dnr1.ga_reg <> dnrnew.ga_reg
Boats with Ownership Differences prints a listing of dnr registrations where the registration numbers match between dnr and dnrnew, but the names are different. Dnrdiff.rpt is used with the following filter included in the report.
Comparison prints a listing of dnr registrations where the registration numbers match between dnr and dnrnew, but either the names are different and/or the addresses are different. Dnrdiff.rpt is used with the following filter.
DNR Import Report lists all of the records in dnrnew.dbf that have a status of N (new), using dnrnew.rpt with the following filter. dnrnew.dnrstatus=”N”
How do I create the digest files I send to the service bureau?
From the WinGAP main menu go to FILE > EXPORT > DIGEST FILES. Select the appropriate tax districts and decide whether or not you want the digest files to include personal property less than $7,501. Once you have made your selections, click export. Upon completion, the exported files will be in fixed length ASCII text format. The export files will be located in subfolders of the appraisal year folder, such as:
V4 (SQL) = w:\wingapsql\exports\AY2015\digest\
Following the export process, you can upload those export files to the WinGAP ftp site and notify your service bureau of their existence and location.
How do I print a list of Real Property PRCs without having to print each individually?
You have two options:
• Go to each parcel, and rather than print a PRC, click the PRC Holding Bin option on the print menu. This will place the parcels in the Holding Bin so you can print all of them at once.
• Go to Reports >> Real >> Property Record Cards. Here you can select by parcel number. If you are printing a single parcel, the beginning and ending items will be the same. You must place the correct number of spaces in the parcel fields with no dashes. Once again, you will be sending these to the Holding Bin.
The Holding Bin can be found at Reports >> PRC Holding Bin >> Real.
I have received my new CUV values, how do I apply them?
First, load the new CUV values into WinGAP from the main menu: TOOLS > SCHEDULES > CONSERVATION USE LAND
Next, Reappraise Conservation Use Land: TOOLS > REAPPRAISE > REAL PROPERTY > Check Conservation Use. Check Force. Click the Reappraise button.
How do I track Manufactured Homes converted to Real Property via the DMVS Form T-234 process?
Continue to place an occupancy of 4 (Manufactured Homes) on these homes and value them in the same manner as before. However, change the Decal Year to the year the T-234 was filed, and in the Decal Number field enter DMVS. With this info, we can track them fairly easily through reporting queries.